Pain / Injury
Personal Training
Elite Athlete Training
Personal Fitness Training
"I am writing this
letter on behalf of Brendan Fox, which whom I have trained for over 14 years.
Brendan is the best fitness trainer I have ever met. However, Brendan is much
more than trainer. He has also consistently provided excellent advice on
nutrition and related health issues.
In respect of my training and exercise regime, Brendan has regularly provided
monthly variations which were age and health appropriate and kept the program
interesting and sustainable. When I encountered specific health issues from
time to time, Brendan has carefully tailored the program to ensure the injury
or ailment has been properly looked after. The results have been extremely
impressive. Brendan's advice on physical issues has always been spot on and
his remedial stretches and exercises have consistently been better than those
given by any doctor or physiotherapist I have seen. In particular, Brendan's
regime has kept my formerly significant arthritis in check all these years and
his healthy lifestyle coaching has greatly supplemented the workout programs.
You are not only in good hands with Brendan's health and fitness advice, you
are in the best hands."
- Colin P. Stevenson, Lawyer
"I am a 63 year old
lawyer who had an active youth and was competitive runner but while on a
motorcycle at the age of 28, I was hit head on by a car that crossed the median
of a highway. I was very fortunate to survive but had extensive damage to my
legs, one of which was broken in five places and the other of which had 3 of 4
sets of ligaments severed; as well as extensive deep cuts and a major nerve
severed in one leg. Over 35 years of sitting at a desk for long hours, other
physical imbalances and restrictions had emerged of my neck, shoulders and hips
that left them uncomfortable and compromised for activity.
Personal training with Brendan is exceptionally adaptive to particular muscle
and mechanical imbalances.
It is also very holistic. It goes beyond physical mechanics to include life
balance, flexibility and various mental approaches and motivations for healthy
living choices.
Brendan's approach can address all sorts of muscle and mechanical imbalances or
weaknesses. He has an extensive selection of straightforward body mechanics
exercises that are targeted at rectifying all manner of tightness, functional
limitations, range of motion, comfort of motion and strength of all body
Brendan himself is an incredibly positive individual who also has a wide range
of motivational techniques and is genuinely interested in making a positive
impact in your life.
He also has an extraordinarily wide range of simple and fun exercises to
remedy any physical limitations or discomforts. They can fit in 30-45 minute
sessions that you can do on your own; in a perfect world, 1-2 times per week to
make good progress; 3-4 times per week to make huge progress; and more often if
you just love the impact that it has on your physical capacities (which applies
most weeks in my own case).
Many of the exercises are things that promote joint mobility, physical
functionality and various aspects of anti-aging. They are geared to your own
particular needs and desires and unquestionably make a very positive impact on
your ability to move and to physically operate with balance, strength,
flexibility and comfort; as well as to have a positive attitude to
rehabilitation; and to do athletic things if desired."
- Chris Bardsley, Partner, Toronto
"Thank you for
putting me in shape to get into combat mode, at age 72, against a 6 foot 30
year old who broke into my house. To be able to hold him down while my wife
called the cops. If that happened before I started training with you, I
wouldn't dare have challenged him."
- IGAL H, Toronto
"I participated in
Medcan's Long Distance Training program from January 2014 until June 2016. I
was supervised during the program by Brendan Fox. Leading up to my entry into
the program I had spent the last 5 years building a new law practice with 6
other partners. Fortunately our work was a success. But the long hours
involved in building our law practice along with a lack of active exercise was
starting to take a toll on my health. At about the time of my annual physical
in December 2013 my partners suggested that I consider being more mindful about
my health.
The Long Distance Training program was a convenient way for me to have a
supervised weight loss and exercise program. Fortunate for me my office was 3
floors away from Brendan and the Medcan gym. I started with Brendan weighing
195 lbs. While I had a gym membership that got some use, and while I had
worked for a number of years with a personal trainer, my exercise routines were
not well thought out. I also had never found a training partner like Brendan,
who brought out my determination to significantly improve my health and
After meeting with Brendan and committing to his program I was able to make
significant immediate gains. Within 6 months I had lost 20 pounds. I was
starting to think that I might be able to actually achieve some of the goals
that I had had all my life: a muscular, athletic build. Brendan was a
fantastic exercise and lifestyle coach. He understood my goals and positively
encouraged me. I was overwhelmingly impressed by his knowledge in most things
health related – it was like the guy had a PHD in Health. After losing 30 lbs
and gaining a significant amount of muscle, Brendan helped me to get to 7% body
fat. As I approach my 50th birthday I have confidence that I'm in the best
health possible. I'm happy at work and home and I'm participating in
activities such as cross fit, that I never thought I would do.
Brendan has supervised me through 2.5 years of hard work. He has supplied me
with the exercise and nutritional knowledge to achieve my fitness and health
lifestyle goals. Brendan has been fun to work with and is someone that I
hugely respect."
- Christopher J. Schnarr, Toronto
"For the past 10
years I have worked with Brendan Fox on a weekly basis. Brendan is an
incredibly talented trainer, truly one of a kind. Brendan is passionate about
his work in making a difference in people's lives. He is constantly learning
and growing his expertise, in formal and informal settings. While there are
many examples I could speak about in terms of how working with Brendan has
positively impacted my life, a particular story comes to mind. Last summer I
travelled to Utah to visit my son who was spending some time there. My son
wanted me to hike up Angels Landing in Zion National Park. No small feat. At
the age of 56, I wasn't sure I could do the hike, but it was a once in a
lifetime experience I could share with my son. Angles Landing trail is one of
the most famous hikes in Zion. A 5 mile by 5 hour hike. A long steady climb
of 1500 ft, at over 5700 ft at its peak. The last half mile is along narrow
rock, with sheer cliffs of 1200 ft on one side and 800 ft on the other side.
There are chains in the rocks that you use to pull yourself up this last half
mile trail to get to the top of Angels Landing. There is a lookout area before
moving onto the final climb of Angles Landing. It's here where people make the
decision to either continue to the top or enjoy the beautiful view from the
lookout and then head back down the mountain. It took me a few minutes to
decide to go to the top. I was fearful of what could happen to me and to my
son, but I really wanted to complete the climb. We set out to the top. You
have to go single file, that's how narrow the rock is, and hold onto the chain
all the way. It was this last half mile that i knew Brendan was with me. I
told myself, stay focused, mind over matter, one foot, one step at a time. You
know your body can do this. You've been working out for so many years. Trust
your body. believe in yourself that you can do it. And I did. Can't describe
the view from the top of Angels Landing other than breathtaking. What an
incredible personal accomplishment. And a lifetime moment to be able to share
that experience of the climb with my son. Brendan made that moment possible
for me. I am forever grateful. It is a pleasure and privilege to work with
such a talented, committed and passionate individual, who cares so much about
his work and the people he works with. That's Brendan Fox. Truly one of a
- Carol Wilding, President & CEO, CPA Ontario
"I have been training
with Brendan Fox for almost 14 years! My weekly sessions with Brendan help me
establish some routine in a busy schedule, and ensure that I get an intense
workout in regularly without making it too easy for myself to be easier than I
should be. The best part of working with Brendan is that it's never routine -
he's always adding variety into each session, and seems to have an infinite
repository of options, positions, games, and ideas for any focus area or issue
you might have. Brendan's encouraging attitude, support with goal setting, and
creative workouts will keep you engaged, and give you lots to follow-up on your
own with professionally designed plans for your days at your home
- Mike F.
"Brendan taught me a lot so when I workout by myself I really know what
I'm doing. I saw great results without putting in endless hours at the
gym. Brendan makes working out fun so you can do even more."
- Liz Atkins, Toronto
"From our very first workout several months ago, I knew I had made a great
decision to train with Brendan. He is very in tune with customizing programs to
meet your goals -- in my case improved overall fitness to complement jogging. He
comes up with new programs every week and they are always fun, efficiently
organized and easy to carry over to workouts at home. Brendan's enthusiasm and knowledge of
training makes it all a very worthwhile experience."
- Richard Elliott, Lawyer, Toronto
Thanks for yesterday... after I saw you I went and did Day-1 of the
exercises. I'm sore today... but a good sore... muscles all across my
body that you've re-introduced me to. And the best thing is that I feel
absoluely nothing in my back... it's like it wasn't invited to the party!
I'm already looking forward to Day-2 exercises tomorrow :)
Thanks again... I really feel like you've helped me out. "
- Katherine Smart, Toronto
"From my very first work-out with Brendan, my whole concept of what I can
achieve by staying fit changed radically. A little more than one year later,
I feel stronger, fitter, more positive and healthier. I look to the future with
renewed enthusiasm. I whole-heartedly recommend his services to anyone who is
committed to ensuring their long-term wellness goals!"
- Michelle Massie, President of Michelle Massie Marketing, L'Orignal Ontario
"I used to think I didn't need a trainer because I'm already motivated.
But from working with Brendan I know it's much better. It's so much more
fun, I love it!"
- Laila Zichmanis, Senior VP of Sales and Marketing, Toronto
"I have been working with personal trainers on and off for almost 15
years. During that time I achieved mediocre results. I started working
with Brendan 5 months ago and have lost over 20 lbs and 7% body fat. I
cannot believe the changes in my body, my energy level and my health. In
addition to this, I can't wait to get to my workout sessions. Brendan
incorporates exercise with fun "muscle games" (competitive games between
exercise sets). It is just the thing I needed to keep me motivated and
achieve results beyond my expectations. My workouts with Brendan have
made such a positive difference in my life."
- Lynn Jessop, Human Resource Consultant, Toronto
"Along this life journey, I continue to learn that you either get "it" or you don't. Those who get it, like Brendan Fox, embody the essence of enlightened, compassionate leadership. I particularly like his customization of each workout, done in a humorous way, which adds a great deal to the enjoyment of "sweating buckets". His wide-ranging and always positive conversation during each workout adds to the experience. A quintessential professional trainer, he is a credit to his craft and I highly recommend him."
- Charles Coffey, Order of Canada
"Much of the training
approaches out there are unscientific, or unsafe. After working closely with
Brendan for over 14 years, I can say that his system is safe, scientifically
sound, and remarkably powerful. Clients rave about the breakthroughs they've
- Dr. James Aw, Chief Medical Officer, OMERS
"I have been working with Brendan 3 times a week for the past year and a half. I find Brendan to be very innovative, creative, and never boring. He changes up routines all the time. He is not judgmental. I have noticed that he is very supportive of his clients, regardless of what fitness level they are at. Brendan sets realistic targets, and helps clients meet them so that they feel good about what they are doing, and are motivated to set the next target"
- Bob Armstrong, Lawyer, Toronto
"Besides being an incredibly positive and energetic person, Brendan Fox is an amazing trainer who emphasizes the "personal" part of personal training. Whether he's doing research to help me rehab my rotator cuff, creating hilarious workout themes to make the session more fun, or carefully working with me to regain abdominal strength after a recent surgery, he always makes me feel stronger, more energized and ready for more!"
- Beverly Mitchell, Owner of Gardenscape Fine Garden Tools
"Brendan makes workouts much more efficient. I can't overemphasize that. He maximizes the time, I don't need to think of what the workout is, I just do it. And I know I'm getting everything in, in a quick 45 minutes."
- Michael Hatcher, VP of European Equities, Toronto
"You always find muscles I didn't know that I had!"
- Hilary Clarke, Lawyer, Toronto
"What I like most is the discipline. Brendan gives me a new program each week, I do it at home, then we switch things up the next week so that I don't plateau."
- Jeff Kennedy, CFO, Toronto
"I've been training
with Brendan a couple times a week for over 14 years. The fact I've been
working with him for this length of time demonstrates the value he consistently
brings. It's rare to find someone with Brendan's passion for constantly
learning, growing, and sharing knowledge. We work not only on the body, but
also the mind and soul. I was out of shape when we started, but I'm currently
in the best shape ever. I can go out and play hockey with my 15 year old son,
and he can't keep up."
- Craig Pho, Portfolio Manager, Toronto
"After just one year with Brendan, my bodyfat has gone from 38% to 19.6%. My clothing size has shrunk from a size 16 to a size 8! Oh, and by the way, I'm 65 years old!"
- Shirley Keillor, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ontario
"I had tried other personal trainers before without success. Then I heard good things about Brendan and decided to give it another chance. I lost 52 pounds in 8 months. I would recommend Brendan as the best trainer out there!"
- Samniang Minc, Chef, Whitby, Ontario
"Since training with Brendan, I now have abs I've never seen before! The stuff he does WORKS, I look and feel better than I ever have!"
- Claudia Pinto, Whitby, Ontario
"At about the time of my heart attack, my blood pressure was about 160 over 110, and was 29% bodyfat. As a result of regular exercise and sensible eating, my blood pressure is now 120 over 70, and I'm 19% bodyfat."
- Ed Buffet, CEO Buffet and Company, Whitby, Ontario
"My blood pressure was 70 over 30, and I was intimidated to exercise. The important thing was finding a trainer who understands, and knows how to build confidence. I'm feeling stronger everyday, and am more confident about living with my low blood pressure."
- Sheryl Wright, Retired Pilot, Whitby, Ontario
"Initially I thought the price of having a trainer was high, but I hired one anyways, and came to realize the tremendous value. Since investing in Brendan I have lost fat, am more focused, and have energy all day long."
- Dr. Naresh Kumar, Cardiologist, Whitby, Ontario
"Without Brendan's enthusiasm and knowledge I know I would not have been able to lose 113 pounds. Thanks Brendan for believing in me!"
- Michelle Dovell, Whitby, Ontario
"Before I went on the Brendan Fox experience, I was 280 pounds and had no self esteem. Since then I am down to 200 pounds and am happier than ever!"
- Ryan Sallie, Oshawa, Ontario
"Brendan is awesome. Brendan makes the training fun, but at the same time gets me the results I want. My bodyfat was reduced from 32.1% to 12.1%."
- Tammy Stevenson, Oshawa, Ontario
"I'm extremely happy. I didn't expect to lose 11 pounds in only 3 weeks."
- Scott Boyle, Whitby, Ontario
"It's a good thing I can sew. I've had to alter all my clothes to fit a thinner me!"
- Anya Bungay, Whitby, Ontario
"I turned to Brendan to help me get ready for my wedding - lose some extra pounds and tone up. He created a great program that not only motivated me but also took my lifestyle into account. In only a few short months, he helped me lose the weight and significantly decrease my body fat. My dress maker told me that I had to stop decreasing in size as she could only take the dress in so much! Brendan's enthusiasm made it the process fun and (relatively) painless."
-- Tricia Hough, Director of program integration, Canadian Tire
"Thank you for inspiring me, and going the extra mile. You make working out "fun"!
- Sherry Sharif, Whitby, Ontario
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